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For Real Estate Agents!

How To 10X Your Listings

Without Doing Prospecting You Hate, GUARANTEED!

For Real Estate Agents!

How To 10X Your Listings

Without Doing Prospecting You Hate, GUARANTEED!

What Do You Need Help With Today?

You’re a motivated real estate agent

And the success of your business depends on getting more listings, making more money and having more freedom in your life.


You're a motivated real estate agent who wants to ramp up your listing business. You're making money but have that deep-down anxiety about where your next listing/deal is coming from. And you want to work the high-end, but don't know how to break into this lucrative market.

You want a strong listing pipeline so that you're selling listings consistently.

We can help, with a Guaranteed Method.

Most real estate coaching programs don't work. Their strategies like cold calls, door knocking and buying expensive useless leads don't work, or are outdated...and who wants to build a business that way?

And how would you like a GUARANTEED method for finding listings that you DO NOT have to pay to get?

There’s a better way...

We teach cutting-edge techniques that really work…like our "Micro-Momentum Marketing" system...and we give you support to take action and create extraordinary transformations.

And you're learning from a 30+ year exclusive listing agent who's currently in the trenches selling in San Francisco, not some "Ivory Tower" coach who has never been a listing agent.

Welcome to our site. Have a look at our About page. Click on our Success Stories page and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click below to watch our FREE masterclass about the exact process we use to help 100's of clients create their dream listing businesses!

Welcome to

All the best,

Christopher Stafford
